
This Alpha Gal Life

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What Can I Eat?

For the newly diagnosed, the big question is: “What can I eat?” After you refresh your memory about what exactly characterizes a mammal, and remove all traces of them from your diet, it can still be hard to decide what to get at the store instead of your old go-tos. The good news is there’s actually a wide variety of […]

9 Tips for Eating Out

One of the hardest parts of having an alpha-gal allergy is deciding if and what to eat at restaurants. Since going out for a meal is such a significant part of our culture, many people struggle with the social and logistical challenges of doing so with such a serious allergy. For many of us, it can bring unwanted attention and […]

FAQ: Alpha-Gal Allergy Basics

The alpha-gal allergy is complicated and atypical among its kind. That’s why I created an introductory FAQ for lay people and those who don’t want to wade through the medical jargon Google will find for you. It’s by no means comprehensive, but it should be enough to get you started. I hope you find it helpful! Feel free to share […]