
This Alpha Gal Life

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Update & Exciting News

I’m back! After taking a break from this website to have my second child, I now have a beautiful eight-month-old baby girl—but, that’s not the news you’re going to find most exciting.

I had my numbers tested earlier this year. And they’re good. Really good. Like borderline to negative. After talking to Dr. Langford, he has cleared me to try to eat mammalian meet again. Nothing too crazy, just maybe a fillet mignon (ha!), but no bacon. Only lean meat.

I’m conflicted. I trust Dr. Langford. He has a ton of AG patients and has consulted with Dr. Cummins (a leading researcher on AG). And I haven’t had a reaction since my diagnosis 4 years ago. But I don’t know if I want to try to eat meat again. Honestly, I’d be happy with just the peace of mind of not fearing cross-contamination. Dr. Langford ordered another blood test to help convince me it’s not a fluke. But I haven’t had a chance to go by the lab yet.

What should I do? I’ve replaced my expired Epi-Pens and I’m cleared to try it. Should I wait and get my blood retested? Should I just go for it? What do you think?

4 thoughts on “Update & Exciting News

  1. Congratulations on your new child! It is great that your numbers are so low, and you have the go-ahead to try red meat again. Hopefully you have not one, but TWO epipens, hopefully you will try only a bite or two at first, and gradually feel your way through this new stage. For myself, I have no desire to ever eat red meat or dairy again, it’s been a very scary and bumpy ride for 15 years, the first 8 of which I limped through with a self-diagnosis that was inadequate to managing my symptoms. But you have to make your own choice. Be prepared for anything, and take it slow. Remember that the reactions appear to be associated with drinking alcohol, with exercise in some cases, with the amount you eat, and with your general health at the time (immune system can be more reactive at some times than others). Good luck.

  2. I have also suffered with Alpha Gal for 6 years. Sadly I was re-infected 2 years ago. It’s been more than 18 months since my last outbreak of hives. During the last 4 months I experimented with eating hamburger and brisket (with my benedryl and epi pen close at hand). I had no reactions. So I had my blood drawn two days ago to test my numbers. It will take 2 weeks before I have the results. If the numbers come back good, then I’m going to gradually introduce more beef into my diet. I hesitate to eat bacon as well. Bacon caused me to have several severe reactions. So I may stick with Turkey bacon for a while. It will be good news to many of us that suffer with Alpha Gal that it can eventually dissipate from our body. I will re-post my numbers on the Alpha Gal website.
    Thanks for sharing your good news with us!

  3. I received encouraging news this afternoon. As promised I wanted to share my recent Alpha-Gal lab results. 2 years after being re-infected by a tick, my numbers went from 4.65 to 0.31. Since I have not had any allergic reactions in the last 18 months my allergist gave his approval to re-introduce meat into my diet. He suggested I consume the meat during my lunch time meal…and to keep Benedryl and Epi pen handy in the event a reaction would occur. As more and more knowledge is gained about this allergy, it does appear that the enzyme can eventually dissipate from the human body. It gives all of us hope that this is just a temporary inconvenience in our life, rather than a long-term sentence.

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